New Life in New Year

New Life in New Year

As we enter a new month and a new year, we wish you a year of walking in the truth that “Knowing Jesus is Enough for Joy!”

Walking in this Truth is a choice. A choice to stop LISTENING to yourself and consistently TALKING to yourself.
One way to speak well to yourself is to memorize the Words of the Master Speaker. Memorizing and meditating on Scripture has been the most important practice of my whole life.
As you probably know, Psalm 1 strongly encourages us to meditate day and night; if you don’t memorize you can’t meditate day and night. And if we do, there are four wonderful results.
1. We will be like a tree planted by the river—getting our roots down into the water of the Word, remaining strong.
2. We will bear our fruit in its season—whatever fruit is needed, we will be able to supply it for those around us:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
3. No matter what comes, our leaves will never wither for our roots are in the Word. In the midst of drought we will stay green and lush.
4. Whatever we do will prosper—because in memorizing and meditating we are learning to think God’s thoughts, to follow His ways, and this leads us to prosper.
So, I encourage you to make a decision to regularly memorize and meditate on Scripture, Start with Psalm 1.
This is not a call to a New Year’s resolution, but to a make a decision to wholeheartedly follow the Master Speaker so you can speak to yourself better!
For more input on meditation, check out the video called, “The most important spiritual investment you can make.” at  under videos.
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May be an image of tree and text