No Matter What

No Matter What

I praise you, Lord God, for your never-ending flow of grace, forgiveness and transformation in this present life.

I praise you that today is a gift from your hand, prepared and packaged perfectly so that I might walk with you through every event in the light of your presence, as your ambassador, as your servant-warrior, able to stand in the attacks which you will allow from the enemy. And attacks have come lately. But I know you will use them for good.

I praise you for the opportunities you have prepared for me to give you honor through faith responses: offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving and having a willful belief in your Word–living in the light of Truth rather than in the darkness of the human condition.

I thank you, too, that we have “all kinds of trials…so that the proven genuineness of [our] faith…may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Pet.1:7,8).

This is life on a high and wondrous level, where every event, every interaction is filled with potential significance–if we will just join you in what you are doing.

Help me to do that today, Lord; grant me discernment so I can see what you are doing and join you in it, so that you may be honored, that the enemy may be defeated and that your light and hope may overflow from me to all those around me. Praise be to you now for what you will do in this day.


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