Perfect God

Perfect God

Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the LORD our God is holy.” Psalm 99:9
You, O Lord our God, are wholly holy: you are completely other than your creatures and creation. Unlike us, you cannot sin, which means you cannot lie, or think an evil thought, have a bad motive, have a bad attitude, speak an impatient word, gossip, slander or say too much. You cannot have evil plans or intent, you cannot be selfish, you cannot bring harm with hurtful intent, you cannot judge unfairly, you cannot have unrighteous anger, you cannot do anything wrong.
On the other side, this means that you always do what is right, you are always good, pure and positive; you are always loving, gracious and wise; you are always light, love and life, you are always great, gracious and good. Your plans are edifying, your intents are positive, your motives are pure, your words are helpful, your thoughts are high and healing, your utterances are always true and trustworthy.
You judge in full knowledge and righteousness; your anger is pure and directed correctly against evil. You are perfect, without fault, solidly balanced, unchanging, utterly faithful and eternally without inner conflict or contradiction. You are the God we can trust– continually, constantly, completely.
Truly it is right to exalt you, the Lord our God. You are worthy of worship, of obedience, of faith, of praise, of exaltation. Before you we bow in surrender, eagerly offering all that we are in worship, for you are the God of all creation who deserves full, wholehearted love, honor and glory.
Prayer: “This day, in all I do and say, may you, the great, wonderful and holy God–my God–be honored and lifted up before all the unseen hosts. To you be praise in my life both today and forever. Amen.”
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