Praise in the unknown: worship by faith

Praise in the unknown: worship by faith

I praise you this morning, Lord,  for the wonder of having a high and mighty God, able to protect, able to work good out of negatives, able to use weakness to achieve your ends.  You certainly are the great example of good leadership: using projects to develop your people rather than using your people to accomplish your projects—every situation, every difficulty, every work, every responsibility is  the opportunity to grow, to learn, to be driven into your Word and prayer, to see you work in power, love, wisdom and goodness.

Praise you, Lord God for what you will do today in my life.  Thank you already for two big chances to trust and praise you in faith (a negative email that I could have worried about, then not finding the adaptor for my computer in my backpack, meaning I would lose much of the work possibility for the day).  These were chances to praise before seeing the outcome, knowing that you would guide in what to do. I could relax in your love and provision, pray, think clearly and be at peace.   (In the end I rummaged further in my backpack and found an extra adaptor, praise be to you).

To rest in you is a wonderful thing, for no matter what disappointment comes, we can trust you with all our heart to work in and through this for good.  To you be more and more glory in the rest of my day!