Praise is the Power to Please God 1

Praise is the Power to Please God 1

The purpose for our existence is to worship the Lord God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. These are grand and glorious words, but realistically how do we do this?

I believe the most practical and prolific way to exalt our God is by giving praise and thanks in and for all things. Praise is the power to please God. As He Himself says, “…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1Thes. 5:18)

There are dozens of opportunities each day to praise and thank God in the events that tumble into our lives. Some happenings are pleasant, some are not but we can praise and thank Him for each one, knowing that He, the all powerful One, has allowed it for good. Each event is the opportunity to give Him glory before men and angels as we willfully obey Him in praise.

Praise is largely practiced in faith, trusting God’s marvelous character and wonderful Word rather than our own sight or understanding. For instance, we recently bought a machine to use here on the farm, but found that it’s motor has a serious problem. Each step taken to correct this has proven fruitless. Can I praise God for this? Absolutely! He has allowed it and through these problems is doing good things in us: teaching us to take up His grace, to be patient in His power, to trust and submit to Him, to demonstrate to those around us how to live in His grace. Truly, praise is the power to please God.