Praise you for your patience

Praise you for your patience

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your patience, your persistence, your graciousness and your kindness to me as I zigzag through life, obeying at one moment, then not considering your commands at the next; open to your leading one minute, not asking the next.

I praise you that you are working to move me towards more consistency; this process will go on until I die, I’m sure, and I praise you for your persistence. Help me to check in more often, to be more disciplined in doing what is right and best, to be consistently wise and teachable. I praise you for all that you have done, are doing and will do, for you are faithful and wise, good and powerful.

I praise you for your Word, which can penetrate our thoughts, our motives, our attitudes and expose the sinful, selfish, seductive aspects of our being, bringing us to repentance and a new level of surrender. I thank you for each temptation that comes from the world, my flesh and the devil, as each one is an opportunity to confess, repent, grow and give you more glory. Help me to respond to each in a way that will bring these good responses, by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, letting go, holding on and rising above.