Praising in the Face of Difficulty

Praising in the Face of Difficulty

Thank you, Lord, that I am not well today, giving me the privilege of resting in you rather than in feeling good physically, to live by faith rather than feeling. Praise be to you for your stability, your faithfulness, your unchanging, powerful, deeply rooted perfection.  You are wonderful, you are superb, you are my mighty rock—unshakable, unshifting, unsinkable, unbreakable.  You are always the same in your love, your commitment, your goodness, your patience, your grace, your wisdom, your knowledge, your justice, your power, your firmness.

As I am concerned about the many significant happenings occurring now in the world  (and tend to worry about them), it is wonderful to know that I can turn to you, intercede about these things and know that you will be at work in ways far beyond what I could do or imagine.

I give you praise and glory for your goodness, your greatness, your grace and your glory.  You are wonderful beyond words, trustable beyond truth, powerful beyond perception, marvelous beyond majesty. To you belongs all glory, honor, praise and exaltation, for you are perfect, holy, wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, ever loving and entirely righteous.

In you, mercy triumphs over justice, truth and grace kiss, wrath and forgiveness cooperate, grace and rebuke balance perfectly.  You are absolutely, totally, completely, without exception trustable: you will always do what is right, good, gracious and glorious.  May praise flow to you today from my mind, my mouth, my movement and my motives.  I bow before you in submission, I rise before you in praise, I go forth with you in obedience.