Psalm 5:1 “Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing.”
[Praise you, LORD Yahweh, that you are the prayer-hearing God: you listen to my sighs, and are glad when I come to you about my burdens, my unrest, my fears, my disappointments, my tiredness.
You hear my thoughts and understand them fully. You know my needs and have prepared provision for me, for you are loving and good: “The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made” (Psa. 145:13b).]
“Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.”
[You, Lord God, are the One we must come to first; prayer is our greatest recourse, our first step, our wonderfully great privilege, the most we can do.
You are my King—the Ruler of all, Lord of my life, Commander-in-Chief of the hosts of heaven, Protector and Sovereign One–able and willing to listen and hear and answer. “The Lord is near to those who call upon him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them” (Psa. 145:18-19).
And you are my God–that is, my final authority, the decider of what is right and wrong.
You call us every day to play out a repetition of the Garden of Eden: will we choose to obey you, or to rebel? Will we choose to believe you or to listen to the siren call of the world, the flesh and the devil?
Will we choose to make you the One to decide what is good and what is evil in our lives or do it ourselves? Will we just respond to what is around us, or will we be proactive early on in following your lead?
If Adam had kept God as his final authority, he would not have fallen; that was a very real possibility and is one that I also have now. Each day I will choose many times: will God be my final authority, deciding for me what is right and wrong, or will I usurp His right and lead myself down the path of the first Adam?
The reality is, I can actually make the right choice right now, at the dawn of each new day, ahead of time, deciding to obey God before any temptation comes so I will be ready. Let’s all make that decision!