“Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103:1 NKJV). You, King Jesus, the mighty Ruler, administer a Kingdom of light where blessings flow all the time. You are the One who is to be praised!
Without reservation, all of my being praises you, for you are worthy of total submission, absolute surrender and whole-hearted service: you are grandly good, purely positive and persistently patient. Every part of me – my mind, my will, my emotions, my spirit and my body – rejoices in you, exalts you, extols you, exults in you–for You are worthy of this and far more.
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Ps. 103:2). You are to be praised and lifted up for your goodness shown in how you poured out your gifts upon your enemies: you have given us eternal life, eternal comfort, eternal provision, eternal presence, eternal joy.
“Who forgives all your iniquities” (Ps. 103:3a); there is not one unforgiven sin left in our lives—you took all our guilt, all our shame, all our condemnation, our full record of wrongs, and nullified their power to condemn us. Forgiveness sets us free, separates us from sin, superimposes your righteousness on our record. We stand in your righteousness before the great Judge who declares, “You are forgiven, enter into my joy!”
“Who heals all your diseases…” (Ps. 103:2b). You are the great Physician, the Maker of our bodies. You know just how to heal what you have created, even we creatures who are warped and twisted by sin. You heal some diseases now, some after teaching us, shaping us and changing us, and some you will heal at death. In your wisdom you do what is best.
“Who redeems your life from destruction…” (Ps. 103:4a). We lived in destruction, under the power of the destroyer, heading towards eternal devastation, existing only in the living death of time without you, Lord. But you bought us; you snatched us off the disassembly line moving inexorably towards the pit; you translated us into the light of your Kingdom and made us your beloved, cherished children.
“Who crowns us with loving kindness and and tender mercies.” You have not only made us your children, but have crowned us a princes and princesses. You are so kind, so lavishly loving, so gracious to us.
Your gifts are many, multiple, magnificent, and marvelous. You are the God of promise, of persistence and provision. We lift up your name in praise for your gorgeous heart, your glorious love, your great and good gifts. You alone are worthy of worship, all through today and every day.
Prayer: “May you be glorified in my life today as I live consciously in this lavish love of yours, O Lord God Almighty. Amen.”