“His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. The Lord tests the righteous,” Psalm 11:5
[You watch every person, you follow each one, giving opportunities for belief to the not-yet-sons and daughters.
And to your children, who have been granted the righteousness of Christ, you give tests that are possibilities to grow, to give you glory and to display grace.
Ah, Lord, help us to remember that difficulties, disappointments, danger and discouragement are tests, each one an opportunity to take up your grace, rise up in praise and defeat the enemy on his own ground.
Help us to follow you on the path that you have laid out for us. May we not fail in these tests but cooperate with you and join you for your glory!
Help us today to live in the light of your lavish love, trusting in your great and glorious goodness in each trial, fulfilling the purpose of our lives by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in all.]