“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114
I praise you that you have made yourself a refuge for us, an escape from self and sin and Satan. In you we can be freed from the senseless, meaningless, randomness of the fallen, unregenerate world—because in you there is meaning and purpose and direction.
You are a refuge from the hopelessness, the powerlessness, the futileness of human life.
You are a refuge from our own anger, frustration, impotence and self-pity.
You are a refuge from the evil of men and devils, from injustice, violence and shame.
You are a refuge from fear, anxiety and anguish.
You are a refuge from idol worship, materialism and the tyranny of the urgent.
You are a refuge from junk stress, wrong values and short-term thinking.
You are a refuge from harmful, self-destructive, caustic behavior.
You are a refuge from lust, lying and laziness.
You are a refuge from failure, factionalism and favoritism.
You are a refuge from all that is negative, sinful and impure. .
You shield us from the daily onslaught of Satan and his forces
In you we are safe, in you we are accepted, in you we are protected.
Praise be to you for your powerful, proven provision. You have given us the armor needed to stand. You have offered us power, endurance, guidance and light—all we need to walk in the valley of this fallen world to escape the corruption that comes through evil desires and to be more than conquerors.
Help us to take up and use what you have provided every day, all day. Amen.
Picture: a place of shelter