Psalm 1:4

Psalm 1:4

Psalm 1:3,4 ““Whatever he does prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.”
[This shows that you, Lord are just, wise and good. You bless those who obey and allow those who rebel to live out the consequences of their rebellion.
While those who surrender to you are like a fruitful tree, bearing good fruit, prospering in what you call them to do, those who don’t are like worthless leftovers on the harvest floor: abandoned as useless and blown away by the wind.
They have, by their own choice, become of no purpose, are of no consequence and no value, frozen in the rebellion of their own decision.
The sad thing is that people choose to be in this situation, meaning they choose to devalue themselves. You offer them love, grace, worth, purpose, protection, a present joy and a future hope–but they reject this to feast on the chaff and tinsel of this world, and they become what they feed on.
Praise you, Lord God, that this is not your desire. It is your will that “all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth…” (1 Tim 2:4). It is your desire that no one be condemned.
You work consistently to give them light, sending the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin, righteousness and judgement. But if they refuse to follow the light, they cut themselves off from all that is good. Sad, but their choice.
I praise you, Lord, that this saddens you more than me, for you are the God of love, forgiveness, mercy and compassion. Help us Lord to be consistent in joining you in sharing your light with all around us as the boy is doing in the picture below!
May be an image of 2 people and people standing