As we read through Psalm 15, every quality the LORD requires for dwelling in His sanctuary is found in Jesus.
Psalm 15:4 “who despises a vile man”
[You see all, so nothing is hidden from you; you know what is vile and rightly reject it. In righteousness you despise what is unrighteous, while somehow still loving every sinner and seeking to bring them into your Kingdom, into your Family, into your Forgiveness.]
“but honors those who fear the LORD,”
[You are able to discern what really motivates a man: fear of people or fear of God (Psalm 34:11-14). And you will give glory and honor to those who walk in your ways because they love you and trust you.]
“who keeps his oath even when it hurts,”
[You are the One who always keeps your Word—you kept your Word to be a Savior who could only redeem through intense, infinite suffering, and you, Lord Jesus, followed through by submitting yourself to anguish, pain and an unjust punishment of death. Praise you for your faithfulness.]
Psalm 15:5 “who lends his money without usury”
[You are generous and gracious, pouring out your riches on us without thought of profit.]
“and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.”
[You are absolutely just, you cannot be swayed by any bribe. No one can bribe you to move against your children, who through Christ’s sacrifice, are declared innocent in your sight. A bribe has no influence to change your mind to condemn them.
On the other hand, we believers can’t get you to change your mind with our “good works,” our fasting or self-denial; we can’t twist your cosmic arm, to “make” you answer our selfish prayers. Praise be to you for your unbending goodness and purity.
Lord, help us to live like you, to follow your example in each of these wonderful qualities and thereby bring honor to your name by showing your glory to all those around us.