Had a technical glitch so have been unable to post for the last several days on this site. Sorry. Thanks to my son, Josh, all is resolved, so we will press on with posting.
Psalm 18:31 “For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God?”
There is no one else like you, O LORD, the Eternal One with no beginning or ending–all others are creatures with a finite start, each one designed to be in relation to you. You, as LORD, are the only source of unchanging goodness, unwavering stability and unending grace.
Although you are the great and mighty God of history, of eternity, of all that is to come, you have made yourself “our God.” You are not distant and demanding. No, you are personal and patient, compassionate and kind, concerned and consistent. In your love we find rest.
You are the “wholly other One,” different from your creatures in essence, in eternalness, in entirety. You are perfect in each part, so there is no need for change or growth, maturing or learning. You know all, you do all in completeness, you make no mistakes. You are the solid Rock of Truth, Stability and Love, totally trustable, fully faithful and completely compassionate.
What appears to be failure from a human perspective, is actually perfection in process. Think of the death of Christ–without this seeming defeat, there would have been no resurrection, no regeneration, no redemption. His death was one part of the perfect plan you were bringing to pass.
In a similar way you are at work in our lives today, bringing good to pass through the ups and downs of life. You only are our Lord, you only are the Rock, you only are to be worshiped.
Guide us today, Lord, in resting in you, in thinking Truth, in praising you in all, and in seeing the daily God-sightings as you lovingly work in our lives.