Psalm 19:14

Psalm 19:14

Psalm 19:14 “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,”
Yes, Lord, may both my inner and outer speech please you, for out of the heart flow the words of my mouth. Lord, bring the continual transformation I need to please you in my thought life so my public life may honor you before others.
Help me to consistently meditate on your Word, think your thoughts, respond with your wisdom and speak your Truth. And may you be greatly pleased with that obedience growing in my being, the result of your good work.]
“O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
[You are my LORD, that is, Yahweh, Jehovah, the Holy God, pure and sinless, separate and other, who hates sin and will judge it, while somehow you love sinners and provide for us a way of escape from your just wrath.
You are the God of wondrous qualities, of gracious goodness, of seeming paradoxes, able to join together what looks contradictory from our limited perspective: justice and mercy, truth and grace, judgment and love.
As my Rock, you are the stability of my life, the only solid source of rest, of shade, of protection, of hope. In you alone I can take refuge, for you will never be shaken, changed, fail or be defeated.
You are my Redeemer, the purchaser of trash so you can turn it into treasure. You are the One who took upon yourself the sins of the world because you want each person in creation to come to you, to believe, to become your child, to be dearly loved, deeply cared for, eternally doted on, doubly cherished and delighted in.
You, the great Savior have brought us out into a spacious place, before your throne, before your face, before the hosts of heaven and there you delight in us, your unfinished and cherished children.
Praise be to you for your lavish love, your wild wisdom, your glorious grace. You are worthy of our worship today and through all eternity. I bow before you, O King of the universe, Lord of time, Ruler of all creation. To you be honor, glory, praise and exaltation in my life today. Amen.]