Psalm 9:19 “Arise, O LORD, let not man triumph;”
[Yes, Lord, prevent sinful man from overcoming your plans, your purposes and your people; bring the evil doers low, defeat them in their attempts to bring harm so that your name may be glorified.]
“let the nations be judged in your presence.”
[Let your judgment flow like rivers of waters. Praise you that you will judge the nations in righteousness and people with justice. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord (Rom. 12:19).
We don’t have to carry the burden of making it all right. We are called not to be judges, but to be lights in our sphere of influence, to be waters flowing in a parched land, doing good, sharing the Word and trusting you to bring judgment to the nations.]
Psalm 9:20 “Strike them with terror, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men.”
[Yes, Lord, may terror overwhelm them because of your greatness, may fear seize them because of your righteousness, may anxiety grip them because of the judgment to come.
May many thereby be brought to belief in you and surrender to you by a supernatural fear descending on them: fear of judgment and condemnation, fear of the future, fear of death and what lies beyond it.
May they realize clearly that they have nothing else to trust in ,and turn to you—the sovereign Lord who offers them forgiveness, cleansing, adoption and eternal life–instead of trusting in their traditions which can give them nothing in the end.
Break through, Lord, bring a great awakening, sweep many in to your Kingdom!]
Selah (think on that)