Psalm 19:9 “The fear of the LORD is pure,”
[To obey you, Lord, out of reverence, awe and fear takes us in the direction of genuine holiness. It moves us away from the selfish pollution of the world, our old sinful nature and the wiles of Satan. To obey you moves us towards fearing you–that is, caring deeply what you think about our issues and actions, our thoughts and words–while helping us fear the negative consequences of following our own reasoning.
To fear you, God, not man, to obey you while rejecting the fear of man–this leads to purity. The “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe” (Prov. 29:25).]
“The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.”
[What we do out of our great reverence for you will be pure and positive, as well as lasting forever. To obey Truth because we love you is something that will have significance for all eternity. Even if it is a tiny, one second act (rejecting grumbling and instead offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving; or rejecting self-pity and instead thinking truth ), it has eternal consequences.
Every decision is potentially a glory-giving, grace-displaying, goodness-granting opportunity–even if it’s internal and no one else knows about it but God.
It is a possibility in which we can fulfill the purpose for which we were created: to bring honor to Him. This perspective can change our motives from desiring to do what is natural, to bringing glory to God by revealing Him to those around us through our actions and reactions.
Help us, Lord, to make multiple “pure and enduring forever” decisions today, based on our awe and fear of you, and thereby bringing more and more honor to you!]