Psalm 22:29-31

Psalm 22:29-31

Psalm 22:29 “All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him—those who cannot keep themselves alive.”

[No one can keep himself from dying, none of us can defeat old age or death. And no one can avoid judgment: all human beings will come before you, Lord, and bow their knee, whether willingly or not. No man will be able on his own to stand in your magnificent, holy presence, for the strength of your mighty power and majestic authority will force all to bow in submission in the judgment to come.

But you offer us the privilege of bowing before you now in willing surrender, in belief, in faith, bringing us into your presence through the blood of Christ where we, as your children, can joyfully bow to your Kingship, Lord Jesus. And we do so willingly, wholeheartedly, in wonder.]

Psalm 22:30 “Posterity will serve him;”

[There will always be an ongoing line of believers, sustained and guided by you, no matter what the era may be–just as there were in the Dark Ages, in the Middle ages, in the Enlightenment, in modern times, in postmodernism and now in the “me culture.” Man tries to go his own way, but there are always those who respond to your invitation to walk in your way.]

“future generations will be told about the Lord. Psalm 22:31 They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn—for he has done it.”

[There will always be a witness, there will always be propagation of the gospel. You, in your righteousness, truth and grace have done all, made all preparation, sending out your word in creation, in the Book, in spoken witness, in dreams or visions if necessary.

You have prepared all and will bring history to your desired end: the elimination of evil, the entrance of eternity, the enlightenment of all by your eternal character. Praise you for your greatness, your goodness, your glory that was, is, and is to come!

You alone are worthy of faith and obedience, of trust and praise, for you are wonderful: you only are to be worshiped. Help us to do so every day, all day!