Psalm 23:5b “You anoint my head with oil;”
[A shepherd anointed his sheep to protect them from flies, to heal them, to save them from head-butting damage.
Your anointing of us, Lord Jesus, is the act of choosing, of giving worth, of blessing, of providing and protecting.
–You chose me before the foundation of the world.
–You had your Spirit convict me of my need for you.
–You poured out your Spirit on me at the point of belief.
–You sealed my adoption by placing your Spirit in me.
–You pour out on me unending blessings of grace, goodness, wisdom, weakness and power.
–Every day you provide me with protection, guidance, insight, goods, money, relationships, opportunities to give you glory, chances to share your Word, time to be with you, and enough health to serve you as you desire now.
–And most of all, you give me your presence and love in a rich and enduring relationship, the one for which you created me.
You are amazingly gracious and generous, for in my natural state, I actually deserved the opposite of all this: condemnation, rejection, punishment, suffering, pain, failure, depression, despair, hopelessness, separation and eternal death.
Praise be to you Lord, for your gracious, glorious goodness that you pour out on the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve who come to you to be the sons and daughters of the living God!]