Psalm 23:6

Psalm 23:6

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;”
[Goodness and mercy are your constant gifts to your children, Lord; it is a certainty that in each situation you are pouring these out into our lives. However, very often we cannot see them at the moment. Then when we can look back at a difficult situation, there they are, goodness and following us!
Like the disappointment I had recently. After waiting two weeks for a door installer to come, he only did half the job and then left, saying, “I’ll be back in about two weeks!” I could see no goodness and mercy in that! But the next day while talking to one of my disciples, I found that he had worked as a door installer and he offered to come and finish the job for me. We both profited, as he needed some extra income, he told me where to get the springs I needed at a very reasonably price and I got the doors done. We both saw God’s goodness and mercy.
This pattern has been and will be true throughout the whole of our lives with you, Lord Jesus. You are faithful, you are good and you are merciful, whether we can see it at the moment or not. Praise be to you my wonderful Shepherd!]
“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.”
[What a hope for the future: I WILL be in your presence for eternity. Therefore death holds no fear, shortness of life holds no panic, the future holds no threat as we press on to what you have for us in this life and more so in the next.
You, Lord Jesus, are the One we yearn for, live for, hope for. And our hope is as certain as your Love, your Word, your Power, and your present Presence! Glory and honor are due your wonderful Name, Lord Jesus. May my life give you that honor today as I trust you through praise and thanksgiving in and for all.