Psalm 26:2-3

Psalm 26:2-3

Psalm 26:2 “Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;”
[This is a scary thing to pray, as there is much unknown sin hidden there in my heart and mind, hidden even from me. If He answers this prayer, he will find some bad things.
Yet, Lord, you are the only One I can fully trust to examine me, as you are fully good and fully ready to forgive–so I am perfectly safe in praying this, although it doesn’t feel that way.
Certainly, there are negatives for you to find, so I need to expect exposure. Then I can repent and be set further free, for you are “good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to all those who call upon you” (Ps. 86:5). This is a “step up” for me.
So, I ask you to examine my heart and mind, to point out the next sin I need to deal with, and to point out my failures early on (like not checking in with you in conversations) so I can grow in cooperating more with you. Help me to respond immediately with confession and repentance, with accepting your forgiveness and forgiving myself, with praise and submission; I thank you now for what you will do.
Psalm 26:3 “for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.”
I praise you that you are loving, firm and gentle, that your mercy triumphs over justice, and that you chasten us for the purposes of helping us to walk in your way, to really live, to share in your holiness and to give us peace and righteousness (Heb 2:9-11).
Guide me in your truth this day, O Lord God, protect me from my own evil, keep me safe, watch over me that I may live for your glory. I praise you for your goodness which will surround me, for the care and protection you will give in all things. I bow before you, giving you glory and honor, praise and adoration, for you are worthy.]