Psalm 2:7 “I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to me, ‘You are my Son; today I have become your Father.’”
[These mysterious words, written in 1000 BC, are quoted again in Hebrews 1:5, and clearly refer prophetically to the Lord Jesus. I praise you, my Savior, that you are not only the Son from eternity past, but that you became the Son in a more specific way by being born as a baby, fathered supernaturally, living as both the human and heavenly Son of your eternal Father.
Your relationship was and is doubly unique in a trinity of ways: twice the Son (in eternity and in time); twice the Savior (saving us from our sins in your death, saving us from eternal separation in your resurrection in giving us everlasting life); twice incisively entering this world (once as Savior, once to come as Judge and Conqueror).
I praise you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for your deep and long wisdom displayed here, for your unshakable commitment to your love and your perfect follow-through on your promises and predictions. You are The Trustable One.]
Psalm 2:8 “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”
[Even though Satan knew this statement to be true, still he tempted the man Christ with the offer of having it all. This temptation was actually an offer to take a shortcut, to avoid the suffering needed to inherit all. But Jesus knew the truth, resisted and rejected it, standing firm in righteousness.
You, Lord Jesus, later received back the whole earth and all that is in it as your inheritance, rightfully gained in great suffering. You do things correctly, for you are righteous: no shortcuts, no avoiding the difficult, no impatience, no false ways. You are the One to be trusted. You are the One to be imitated in our lives.
Help us to be like you in whole-heartedly denying self, taking up our cross daily and following you, eagerly acknowledging you as the great Ruler of all.
To you we must bow, both because of your lovely and pure character, and because of your inexorable greatness. No one can prevail against you, so we might as well willingly and whole-heatedly bow before you now, rather than later under duress.
Praise be to you that surrendering to you is a good thing, for you are the God of goodness, the Lord of Love, the King of kindness, the Shepherd of surety and the Ruler of righteousness. To you be glory, to you be honor, to you be obedience, to you be praise both now, today and forevermore. Amen!