Psalm 27:1b “The LORD is the stronghold of my life—“
[in the midst of uncertainty I can praise you, Lord God, for you are the safe Place, the generous Giver, the good Guide, the Stability of my existence.
You have revealed your beautiful character in your promises to provide what is needed, to give what is best, to protect me and sustain me with your right hand, to be my shield and enabler. And you faithfully follow through on every promise.
As my stronghold, you are the One who protects in me the hurts and harm of life. To you I can retreat and find safety, comfort, encouragement and joy when all else is bleak, broken, sad and dangerous.
Living in the power of your promises, I praise you now for what you will do today, this week, next month, next year. I praise you that each day is a new adventure with you, as you have laid out the race for me to run and are constantly helping me to see and lay aside the weights and sins that so easily entangle. I am so glad to be able to follow you.]
“of whom shall I be afraid?”
[Since you are the Almighty, the Most High, the Great King above all, who can contravene what you deem right? Who can overrule your desires? Who can condemn when you forgive? Who can harm us spiritually when you are there?
There is no one else I should fear but you. Help me, Lord, to make the transfer every day, away from fearing those around me to fearing you, away from fearing what others think of me to caring deeply what you think about me, about what I do and think, wear and say.
You are worthy of respect, honor and fear, for you are Awesome, Almighty and Eternal, while all others are not. Therefore, I choose to believe you, to fear you, to live in the light of your grace.. Help me this day to consistently take refuge in you, thereby honoring You, your Name and your Word before all those around me.]