Psalm 27:5 “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.”
[When we seek you, Lord, when we choose to dwell in your presence and trust you, this is what you will do for us: protect and provide, shelter and deliver. My part is to immediately seek you when trouble comes, rather than venture out in my own puny strength and very limited wisdom to attempt my own deliverance—a futile effort.
As I seek you, you will hide me from the enemy, you will set me on a high place, giving me both your protection and your perspective. Help me to consistently take shelter in you by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in the face of trouble, thereby honoring you and opening the way so you can show me your salvation (Ps. 50:23).]
Psalm 27:6 “Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me;”
[You will work things out–as I have seen you do so often in my life–you will do what is best in defeating the enemies around me—primarily Satan and his minions—who attack me, who want to bring stress, distress and harm. You will accomplish this deliverance as I follow and trust you in praise, in prayer, in obedience to what I know to be true, keeping on your armor.]
“at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.”
[Because of your great Love, your mighty Help, your gracious Goodness, I will rejoice in you, call out praise, exalt you in song. I praise you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for your constant and good work in my life.
Guide me today, Lord, in giving you glory and exaltation that those around me may also rejoice in you. I will give you honor through praise, I will give you glory through obedience.
Help me to let go of what is temporal, to hold on to what is eternal, and give me the wisdom to discern which is which. May you be honored in my life today. Amen.]