Psalm 28:2 “Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help,”
[Where else can I look for mercy and help but you, O Lord? , You are the Source of all help, you are the Spring of all mercy. In the midst of raging wars, stricken refugees and political upheaval, in the midst of suffering, sickness and sadness, you hear our cry for help.
As we look away from the negatives to the goodness and beauty here on the earth–the green of Spring, the fruitfulness of Summer. the colors of Fall, and the white blanket of Winter–this all is but a reflection of your great, faithful and wonderful character, guiding things in history, reminding me that I can trust you to hear, to answer, to protect and guide.]
“Hear…as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.”
[To focus on you, the One who dwells in the Most Holy Place of Heaven—and also within me–is the right thing to do, for there is no real help in any other place. You are the one who is moving History to a conclusion and taking us with you.
You are the Holy One who knows what is good and edifying for us, whether it be relief or regret, what is peasant or difficult. I can trust you to bring, in your mercy, what is needed. In you I can hope and therefore I can praise you before there is any sign of your working.]
Psalm 28:3 “Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil,”
[Lord, keep me from joining the wicked, from doing evil whether in thought, word or deed. Help me to live according to the position you have given me, being a son of the Most High, a child of the mighty King and an appointed ambassador of Jesus. Help me to live in your power, to be filled with your Spirit, to be obedient and diligent in doing what is good.
I praise you that you help me every day, guiding me in deciding ahead of time to be gracious, kind, helpful, servant-hearted, and then, when the moment comes, to immediately respond with those qualities, along with thanksgiving and gladness.
I praise you for how you are changing me in this way instead of dragging me away with the wicked; for, in my old nature I do deserve to be cast out, rejected, judged and condemned.
However, in you, Lord Jesus, I am forgiven, cleansed, loved, helped, guided and protected. I am being transformed, growing, deepening and changing through your working in me in your mercy, strength and love. Praise be to you for your gracious and great provision; may you be exalted in my life today.]