Psalm 2:9-12

Psalm 2:9-12

Psalm 2:10,11 “Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling.”
[To resist you is not wise, Lord. To fight the undefeatable One who is over us is total foolishness. It is a guarantee of failure, the certainty of unnecessary, unprofitable suffering. And it is not just surrender you want, Lord, but willing, wholehearted service, seeing you for who you are: King, Creator and Conqueor. You are Triune, Trustworthy and Terrible in your wrath against sin.
In your total sovereignty you are to be feared; before you we should tremble, for we deserve your punishment, we are worthy of your wrath, you have every right to send us to hell right now. Yet you greet us with love, you extend the scepter of forgiveness, you clothe us with your righteousness, you welcome us into your family—what cause to rejoice! To celebrate! To bask in your love! To exalt your name!]
Psalm 2:12 “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment.”
[We must accept your love, surrender to you, acknowledge that you, Lord Jesus, are the eternal Son of God, fully God, worthy of worship and accepting of ours. To fail to surrender puts us in danger of your righteous wrath, which can easily bring an end to all that we cherish. In contrast, when we cherish you, abandon our way for yours, then we are safe. The choice is clear, a “no brainer;” why would anyone decide against?!!]