Psalm 33:21 “In him our hearts rejoice, ”
[You alone are the source of our joy, Lord Jesus. All that is good comes from you, from your gracious heart and grace-filled hands. To know you, to live with you, to be your child, to serve in your power–this is far more than enough for rejoicing, no matter what our circumstances may be.]
“for we trust in his holy name.”
[Yes, our joy flows because you make it possible for us to trust in you, whose name means “Savior.” You have opened the way so we can know your Name in all its power and purity, its love and light, its faithfulness and forgiveness. You are worthy of trust and submission and obedience.]
Psalm 33:22 May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD,”
[Praise you that your love never fails, that your consistency never fades, that you character never changes. Praise you for your promise that your love will rest upon us now, today, in every moment of need, and on into forever!]
“even as we put our hope in you.”
[Again you remind us that this is a partnership: you provide all, you wait for our participation, our choosing to hope in you. May our daily decision be to hope in you and may that hope ever be evidenced by persistent praise in our hearts, minds, souls and mouths.
To you be glory forever and ever, Lord Jesus, King of Glory, Lord of lords, Shepherd of power and God of love. I bow before you now in awe and respect, I rise up in submission and obedience to your, your Word, your Spirit, your Truth. Glorify yourself in my life today.