Praise be to you, Lord God, the Righteous One, Hater of sin and Judge of all. I praise you that you found a way to eliminate evil, to contain it from the future, while offering mankind a way out of the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. I praise you for saving us from Satan’s power, from sin’s slavery and from our own depravity. I thank you that you have made us your children, given us your Spirit and equipped us to be more than conquerors.
You are the God of Glory, the King of Freedom, the Lord of Love and the Shepherd of Grace. I praise you that you are sovereign, capable of controlling every single detail if you want, yet you grant us the ability to make real moral and ethical choices in our everyday lives. You have given us important and significant roles in your great plan to bring about a sin-free Kingdom with a new heaven and earth.
You are wonderous in your Wisdom, delightful in your Desires, majestic in your Might and righteous in your Rule. To you belongs all glory and honor. To you belongs all credit for what is positive and right and lovely. All that is good comes from your hand and we should and do give you worship for this.
Praise be to you for how things play out here on earth within the rules you have laid down. As it says in Psa 34:21 “Evil will slay the wicked;” [we cannot play with evil and win. In the end it will devour those who indulge in it. The devil always destroys his own, we can be certain of it.
In contrast] “the foes of the righteous will be condemned.” [The righteous will be vindicated and their foes, those who oppose righteousness, who reject good and love evil, will be judged, condemned and sent to the holding place of wickedness. Praise you, Lord, for your just and good hatred of evil, for your not allowing it into heaven. You are purely good and only what is good will be allowed into eternity. Praise you that you found the way to eliminate evil from our nature, to free us from both the essence and penalty of sin, to transform us from enemies into emissaries of your Kingdom. May we live worthy of you, your wisdom and your love, exalting your name all through our day!]