Psalm 35:28

Psalm 35:28

David, envisioning God protecting him and exonerating him before his foes, finishes his psalm with this commitment:
Psalm 35:28 “My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long.”
[At this point God had not yet delivered David, but since he had appealed to the goodness and love of God, to the power and the faithfulness of his Lord, he was confident of His help coming. So, David promises to be a man of praise, continually exalting his Savior.
This must be my practice, too, whether things work out according my desires or not.
Praise be to you, Lord, that you are in control, that I awake each morning to your safeness, to your surrounding love, to your eternal faithfulness, to your indwelling, unceasing presence. You are always here, patiently unfolding the intricate plan you have for my life, giving me wisdom, direction, endurance, grace, love and joy.
It is only in you that we can have joy, for without you this world is meaningless, empty of purpose, randomly dangerous and utterly pointless. You, however, are here, being our rock, our foundation, our fortress, our shield, our high tower and our deliverer.
In you there is order, meaning and purpose. In you there is protection, power and provision. In you there is love, light and life. In you there is goodness, grace and greatness. In you there is caring, compassion and completeness. In you there is healing, help and hope. In you there are answers, reasons and wisdom.
To live without you is death in delayed degrees, ever spiraling downward towards eternal destruction. With you there is life with ever increasing light, love and joy, ever spiraling upwards towards our eternal home.
So, in you I can rest–for in you I am chosen, loved and cherished, in you there is rightness, beauty and clarity, even in the most difficult of situations. I thank you for the great privilege of being your child and praise you now for the outcome of the present challenges in my life, for whatever you will do in our situation with my wife’s illness and other challenges. You, O Lord, are trustworthy.
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