Today’s devotional, written several years ago, is so relevant to me as I face the decisive zoning board meeting this Thursday. May I live out what is said here.
Psalm 37:1 Of David. “Fret not yourself because of evildoers;”
[Praise you, Lord, for your clear commands which steer us away from our natural, selfish reactions and towards your wonderful ways.
It is so easy to get worked up about evildoers: selfish, corrupt, immoral political leaders here and abroad, unjust actions, destructive organizations giving unjust decisions and anti-Christian groups making brutal attacks. But you in your great wisdom and knowledge of the future, have reasons for allowing them.
You will use them to open people’s eyes to truth and bring many into your Kingdom, while maturing your children through difficulties. Therefore, we can rest in you and pray for and about them, rather than wasting energy and time in fretting, knowing that you are the One who takes down and sets up rulers.]
“be not envious of wrongdoers!”
[It is so easy to envy their power, the effectiveness of their ways and to be tempted to imitate their methods, desiring to use their fallen methods, of course, for good. But the good is then tainted and negated by the world’s wily ways.
Your command is, “Be not!” I praise you for this word that moves us towards a supernatural view of things, freeing us from what is of this fallen world. Then we can be like you and act out of your thoughts and ways: loving our enemies, praying for those who persecute us, forgiving those who harm us. Praise you for the possibility of letting go of temporary values, of holding on to what is eternal and rising above our difficult situations.]
Psalm 37:2 “For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb.”
Here’s the freeing perspective you give us: these evil doers won’t be around for too long. You will cause them to fail and fade (think of Stalin, Hitler and Mao), while your children still stand–because you are the preserver and protector of the righteous. These evil doers will melt like snow in the Spring Sonshine, revealing the rich, dark ground of your plans that produces spiritual growth in our lives.
Praise you, Lord God, that you can see into the future, that you know all to come and that we can trust you to prepare us, knowing that you will work out what is best, guiding us in joining you in the process.
To follow worldly ways brings death; to obey your wonderful ways brings eternal life and eternal fruit. Help us to choose your ways throughout this day so we can honor you before all.