Psalm 37:16 “Better the little that the righteous have than the wealth of many wicked;”
[Better $15,000 a year than $200 million–if the difference is between righteousness and wickedness. This is thinking with an eternal view, a judgment based on the unseen.
To decide for this truth requires faith, rejecting what we can see and touch, to receive what we know, resting on the Word of God. Praise you, Lord, that you have revealed this perspective in your Word. Help us to always decide for it.]
Psalm 37:17 “for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD upholds the righteous.”
[The power of the wicked was broken at the Cross. You, Lord Jesus, won in the midst of what seemed certain loss. You defeated sin and Satan, death and despair. You upheld righteousness, and made it available to all those received you by faith.
And now you give us the privilege of living out, every day, the reality of your upholding the righteous. This involves walking in your Spirit, drinking in of your Word, and deciding consistently to follow you rather than the world, the flesh or the devil.
Praise be to you for
the Light,
the Freedom,
the Love,
the Hope,
the Power,
the Future
you have given us out of your gracious heart.
Help us to live in them.