Psalm 37:21 “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously;”
[Here is a clear contrast between those who submit to God’s character and those who don’t. The wicked put money and possessions on the level of an idol, clutching them fervently, even when it leads to stealing.
The righteous, however, are willing to share the money God entrusts to them, distributing it to those in need. And, as we know, giving away money makes us happier, breaking the hold it has on us. Your principles, Lord, are always the best. Help us to follow your wisdom, walking in the fear of the Lord, caring deeply what you think.]
Psalm 37:22 “those the LORD blesses will inherit the land, but those he curses will be cut off. “
[Here is the outcome of our response to God’s offer: receiving riches or being rejected. The choice is clear. I, for one, want to be blessed by God.
This begins with belief in His Word and His provision of forgiveness, being born again; and it continues with walking in His Way, growing in our knowledge of God and His commands, listening to the Spirit, obeying what we know to be true, doing what is best. Then blessings roll more and more, and we will inherit the land–whatever land that may be, whether here on earth (like our family farm pictured below) or there in heaven.
To be cursed is what we were at birth: alienated from God, living without light, a resident of the dominion of darkness, under the devil’s power, cut off from grace, without hope, meaning or purpose. There was nothing in our future but being permanently separated from God, heading into a Christless eternity.
But, praise you, Lord, that you made the way out from under that curse, taking it upon yourself and thereby providing the possibility of forgiveness, redemption and reconciliation for every person who has ever lived. So, with the enabling work of the Holy Spirit, we can each make our decision to remain under the curse or move out into your righteousness. You are so gracious, O King Jesus, you are so good, O God.]
Praise you for what you, in your goodness and wisdom, will do today, Heavenly Father, for how you will carry us through the difficult, dark time we are in at the moment with Barbara’s depression. Give me your wisdom, your guidance, today in how to care for her. I thank you for what you will do, knowing that all that comes from your hand is good. May my life bring you glory today.