Psalm 37:27 “Turn from evil and do good;”
[Clear and simple command. This is part of fearing God, walking in His way, obeying His commands, living in His value system, all of which bringing blessing to our children. Our primary motive in turning from evil and doing good should be loving you, Heavenly Father—we should be lovers first, then servants, with our heartfelt desire to give you glory. Then our secondary motive is to bring what is good to our children: “their [the righteous’] children will be blessed” 37:26.]
“then you will dwell in the land forever.”
[Such obedience to your commands places us squarely in the center of your will, meaning we will dwell with you, live with you, work with you in whatever good place you have chosen for us here, and will end up in the everlasting place of the New Heaven and New Earth.
We can praise and glorify you at each juncture, knowing that you are in control, guiding, directing, protecting, providing each moment. To live in such certainty is a wonder, Lord. We praise you for your faithful, powerful goodness–especially in the midst of difficulties, like the one I’m in now (2017) with my wife again fallen into the deep hole of despair, depression and darkness, an attack of the enemy after recent advances. But, knowing that you are good, powerful and with us, I choose to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving.
Psalm 37:28 “For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones.”
[You, the Holy and Perfect One, love those whom you have justified—Ah, if only all people would come to you and have that forgiveness and cleansing, acceptance and belonging, transformation and joy!
In you, Lord, there is no end to our joy, to our getting to know you, to our growth and the revelation of your glory. Praise you, Lord, for what you are doing, for how you are working, for what you will do.