Psalm 37:28b “They [his faithful ones] will be protected forever,”
Your commitment to your children is iron clad, rock solid and monumentally strong, something we can rest in more and more as we get to know you more and more. Praise be to you, Lord, for your strength of character, your utter dependability, your never changing, perfect and powerful love.]
[You, Lord Jesus, live forever to intercede for those you have purchased with your blood. You live forever, so our protection will go on forever, in this life, through death and on into eternity.]
“but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off;”
[Sadly, those who refuse to submit to your Kingship, your Word, your Truth, your offered Salvation and Love, will be cut off forever–they and their children who follow them. How sad this makes your heart, yet you rejoice for each one who does believe and follows you.
Psalm 37:29 “the righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.”
[A repetition from verse 27, a bookend to this thought of your great and gracious giving of what is good to your children. Yes, we will inherit your land and we will live in it with you forever: no death, no depression, no end, no evil, no loss, no sadness, no sickness or sin.
You, Lord God, are the only One to be followed, obeyed, worshiped and exalted. You are worthy, you are wonderful, you are wise, the Only True God. I bow before you this morning, I give you glory, exaltation and praise. May you be honored in my life today as I praise you in and for all. Amen.]