Psalm 4:1 “Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.”
[Praise you, O Lord God, that you are righteous: sinless, pure, without fault, full of good motives and faithfulness. You do only what is right, you never fail. You are the light shining in my darkness, bringing beauty out of each storm. You are a wonder, a marvel, amazing, the paragon of goodness, the epitome of love, the pinnacle of mercy. Therefore you are absolutely trustable.
I praise you that you answered my original prayer for help–that you reached down and–in spite of what I am in my sin and rebellion–drew me to yourself to make me your child. You wanted me, you chose me, you bought me. Now you delight in me and rejoice in our relationship, ever giving me the opposite of what I deserve. This is beyond human understanding, showing the beauty of your grace-filled heart.]
“Give me relief from my distress;”
[You, Lord Jesus, in your power, your wisdom, your creativity are able to bring relief in the right way at the right time, for you exist outside of time and are the Master of all.
You know how long to leave us in distress to bring growth and deepening, to teach and equip, to strengthen and train. You know how much pain and suffering I have at the moment and you give all the grace I need to move through it.
In fact, you gave grace even before the distress started, more than enough grace to be prepared, to endure, to pass through with power. You enable me to embrace and utilize what may superficially appear be only the attack of the enemy, but is actually a gift from your hand.
I must wholeheartedly move into this opportunity with your grace and with praise, to embrace it with obedience, and emerge from it with glory for you, empowered as better and stronger. And with your power, grace and help this is possible!
You have made yourself my God and I bow before you in thankfulness. Help me to join you in what you are doing in this distress by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving at each point of pain, that you may be honored before all around me.