Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
[Each day, when I awake, you are there, O LORD, waiting, wanting to interact with me. Because of your great love, you want to hear my voice, you want me to lay my requests before you. You desire to have me join you in your plans for today, you want me to look to you for all I need.
There is no other God like you, who hears my prayer, who answers in wisdom and goodness, whom I can expect to always do what is right. You are the Great I AM, the everlasting Holy God, glowing with glory, shining in purity, sparkling in wisdom, enlightening all around you.
To you belongs exaltation and honor, praise and power, adoration and awe, the bowing of our knees and hearts, the flowing of eager obedience.
Today may you be glorified in my life: help me to follow in the footsteps of the second Adam, obeying you with all my heart. Then I can give you glory, please you in every way, and honor your name before men. I wait with great expectations, praising you now for how you will answer me today, for you are faithful, the God who hears and fulfills prayer.]