Psalm 5:6 ‘You destroy those who tell lies;’
[To lie is to reject truth, to reject you, Lord Jesus, for you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. To lie is to rely on self, elevating my intellect over your Word; it is to take the short-term, easy way out. What a wonder to know that your truthfulness, Lord, is not superficial conformance, but what permeates your whole being: it is part of your essence, your essentialness, your heart.
Lies automatically destroy those who use them, leading them away from reality into a web of delusion and insanity where the devil keeps them captive.
“bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors.”
[This is far more than just disliking—you are repulsed, repelled by lying and murderous men who lightly take the lives of others, who live in deceit, using, hurting others for their own personal benefit.
Today’s human traffickers come to mind, living off the brief and miserable lives of others they have essentially condemned to death. ISIS is a more urgent example: men who enjoy killing and try to deceive others into thinking this is good. Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, the leaders of Sudan and Egypt, China and Russia also come to mind. In such leaders and their brutal followers there is no stability, no goodness, no redeeming factors. They are the opposite of what you are, Lord, and you abhor them.
At the other end of the scale is gossip–which is also deceitful and destructive, killing reputations if not bodies, and we must avoid it.]
Psalm 5:7 “But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house;”
[Before you called us into your family, each of us was one of the abhorred: liars mired in evil and deception. We all had the potential to be what these blood thirsty, murderous and deceitful men were, we just didn’t have the gall or opportunity to act it out.
I praise you that you abhorred what we were in our natural state, but at the same time loved us, redeemed and transformed us by your great mercy.
This is an unbelievably wonderful and great turning of the tables, an incredible restoration of reality, far beyond what any human being could imagine or create. You are a wonder, O Lord of love, God of goodness, King of kindness!
“in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple.”
[What other response could there be than worshiping before you, in awe, in adoration, in thankfulness, in joy, in peace, in submission, in belief, in willing, wholehearted obedience.
You are God, you are Great, you are Good, and therefore right now I bow before you. May you be glorified in my life today in each decision, each word, each thought, each response, for you are entirely worthy of this honor and much more!]