This the evening of our last day in Turkey. Tomorrow morning, Lord willing, very early we will leave for the airport, flying first to Germany, then to Boston. A long day. We look forward to the Lord’s provision in it all.
Psalm 6:4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.”
[In your wonderful wisdom you bring us through the dark valleys where all seems to go wrong, where we are overwhelmed with failure and anguish, where we must walk by faith.
And in this torment, we can appeal to your unfailing love—which is the only ground of approach to you, for we in ourselves do not deserve to even think of speaking to you; naturally we have no access. But supernaturally you have opened the way with your love, your everlasting, unfailing agape love.
You, Lord God, are
great in grace,
lavish in love,
marvelous in mercy,
and faithful in forgiveness.
Therefore, we
bow before you in awe,
surrender to you in thankfulness,
accept your grace in gratitude,
and in obedience we will put on your full armor,
rising up to walk with you into this day,
shining in the light of your love,
bringing hope and truth and grace to all we meet.
Glorify yourself in us, through us, in spite of us, Lord.]