Psalm 7:4-5 “if I have done evil to him who is at peace with me or without cause have robbed my foe, then let my enemy pursue and overtake me; let him trample my life to the ground and make me sleep in the dust.”
David here faces the possibility of unconfessed sin in his life; it seems there is none he knows, but there is always more sin in our lives than we are aware of. Help us, Lord, to be open to the conviction of the Spirit as He points out the next sin you want us to quickly confess, repent and lay aside.]
[David’s powerful prayer of surrender to God’s judgment and mercy, is a declaration of David’s innocence in these two possible crimes of attacking a man in peace or without cause robbing someone.
How could I be so sure of my innocence as to make such a strong claim of being without guilt? There is much in my life below the level of consciousness in the frozen wastes of my old man–as well as some above it–to confess and forsake! Sins like impatience, fear, worry, gossip, pride and unkindness—small things according to human thinking, but all sin is significant in your sight.
Yet in you, O Lord, I am forgiven and cleansed. I must deal only with what you show me—and I want to do that. Help me to be alert and open to the work of your Spirit as He convicts, reveals and teaches me about the sins I need to confess and reject.
Help me to be confident in you and your forgiveness, while being realistic and transparent before you and myself about my natural depravity–daily dealing with sin in eager confession and wholehearted repentance.
Help me then to receive and embrace the forgiveness and cleansing within that flows from Christ’s sacrifice. Help me to walk in the confidence that I am accepted, dearly loved and holy in your sight as I stand in the righteousness of Jesus (Col:3:12). I praise you, Lord Jesus, for your resurrection, redemption and righteousness, all shared with us so graciously!