Psalm 7:9 “O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts,”
[You, Lord God, know the full truth about every person, nothing is hidden from you. You discern our thoughts, desires, motives and intents right to the bottom of our being. Therefore, Your judgments are fully informed and righteous, true and just.
To you be praise, honor and glory for your perfect, pure, powerfully positive heart which lead you to act in full knowledge and wisdom, in total love and grace to do what is right and best for your creatures and creation.]
“bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure.”
[Praise you that this is your desire, your plan, Lord, to end evil and violence, setting limits on them now, then at the right time locking them up for good in the lake of fire.
You are our only hope in the darkness of this world, in the flood of evil, in the failure of human hearts, in the power of the devil to deceive and delude.
You are Light and Love and Life in the midst of darkness, despair and death. Rescue your people, protect us in danger, lead us through the valley of the shadow of death and out the other side. Praise you for your goodness and the hope you bring. May we live in it daily.]
![May be an image of twilight, lake, snow, tree, sky and nature](