Psalm 8:3 “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place…,”
[Last night walking back home after dark, the stars were wonderfully bright and clear, and the sliver of a new moon so distinct in the sky—and this despite the light pollution of the nearby city. It was a stimulating sight, a reminder of how vast the universe is, of how small and insignificant we are.
As we view the unimaginably immense stretches of the heavens (billions of light years across), and think of the incredible, amazing size and number of stars (trillions), galaxies (billions) and formations of galaxies—all created by you, Lord–we get a small idea of how infinitely great and powerful you are. And this makes us ask:]
Psalm 8:4 “what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”
[We are so little, so unimportant, so insignificant–just minuscule creatures hidden away on a tiny speck of cosmic dust tucked under one arm of an insignificant galaxy. Yet you not only think of us, you value us and desire a relationship with each one, in spite of our being twisted by sin and selfishness. And you were willing to pay a huge price to be able to take us into your family.
The LORD looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man;…he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth…” (Ps. 33:13-14)
Praise you, Lord God, that you are consistently mindful of us and you care deeply for us, in spite of what we are naturally. Praise be to you
for your grace, giving us undeserved goodness;
for your kindness, returning blessing when we hurt you by disobedience and unbelief;
and for your faithfulness, correcting us over and over again as we stumble through life.
You are a marvel, Lord, majestic in grace, mighty in love and most worthy of worship by all of your creation. May I give you honor today by giving the sacrifice of thanksgiving in all that comes.]
Picture from internet