“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
This verse expresses a powerful biblical worldview: that is, he who sees God as the Most High Authority will obey God rather than his own culture or the pressures of society or the people around him or his own desires.
He who has this worldview understands that our God is the Most High in Power, in Wisdom, in Knowledge, in Ability, in Grace and in Love. Therefore he chooses to dwell in the shelter the Most High God has given:
–the protection of Christ’s blood;
–the commands, guidance and principles of the Word;
–the direction of the Spirit in line with the Word;
–and the wise, godly input of mature believers.
When we choose to obey the Most High rather than the god of culture or comfort or convenience, we can rest in the shadow of the Almighty, trusting Him to protect us from what is truly harmful.
If we don’t dwell in His shelter, we wander off the path of His protection into the attractive fields of the world where Satan is free to attack us, like a bull in a pasture.
Our God is able to protect us because He is Almighty in power, there is no one greater than Him–He is undefeated and undefeatable. By His strong right arm He created all. By His strong righteous Son He provided redemption for all who will believe.
If we have such a biblical view of God, we can say,
–“The Lord is my refuge [from all that the flesh offers to give me and all the grief that comes my way in a sinful world],
–my fortress [from the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil],
–my God [my highest authority, the One I love and obey],
–in Him will I trust. [rather than in my own cultural understanding;
–therefore I submit myself, my intellect and my day to His wisdom and Word, praising Him in and for all]” (Ps 91:2).
Prayer: “Lord help me to nurture a biblical worldview of who you are, so I will choose the Creator over the created, choose you over what your creatures have thought up, choose light over darkness. You, Lord God are the One who deserves my obedience, my praise, my worship. I exalt you, the great I AM, the Most High over all, the Beginner and Ender of time. To you be honor and glory throughout my day today. Amen.”