Purpose and Meaning

Purpose and Meaning

I praise you, LORD GOD,  for the perfection of your character: you are always righteous, always loving, always true and forever good.

I am deeply, firmly, continually thankful that

you are real,

that you are there,

that you are actively,

intimately involved in my world.

Without you, what is life but an empty pursuit of selfishness, ending in meaninglessness and death? We were made for you:

by you we are loved,

with you we are complete,

in you we have protection,

purpose in life,

power in troubles

and provision in all our needs.

You, the God of hope, desire to give us all joy and peace as we trust in you, so that our lives can overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13).

You constantly and consistently pour beauty and grace into our lives. To know you is to have all that the human heart could desire: belonging, worth and competence. And, in addition to all this, you are ever at work in us to make us more and more into the image of Christ.

You are the center of my life, you are the meaning of my existence, you are the love of my heart. I want to praise you, glorify you and exalt you in word, thought and deed. You are worthy of worship and glory and honor no matter what, and I will seek to give these to you today!


Prayer: “Lord, bring a continual revival in my life, revealing to me more of your holiness, more of my depravity and more of your great love and forgiveness. Undo me, so that I may be redone in the image of Christ. Amen.”

May be an image of scorpion grass