An edited devotional from Intersessors for America website
As we continue to prepare our hearts for this Christmas, may we never lose sight of the reason we were created. We were created TO GIVE PRAISE, GLORY AND HONOR to our King.
Shepherds left their flocks to see the One born of God. Wise men traveled hundreds of days to find the One true God. ALL so they could bow before the newborn King.
We live on the other side of the curtain being torn in two. We live in a place and a day where our entire devotion has access to “touch the hem of his garment,” to sit in the light of His glory, to enter the throne room of God, the holy of holies; we have access to the heart and ear of our King.
He is looking for worshippers in spirit and in truth. Worshippers who cannot explain everything but who KNOW in the depths of their hearts who HE is. Worshippers who followed a star (the wise men). Worshippers who didn’t follow class status but followed the song of heaven (the shepherds) to worship the King.
Consider the men and women in the upper room, waiting for a touch from the One who would send the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, so that they could then go out in the FULLNESS of the One who called them by name.
We are also called like those men and women of the upper room – to wait on His move and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in boldness and authority.
We are called to worship, with the awareness of ones who have been “set apart,” as ones who recognize the GIFT we have been given, the relationship we have access to!
Let us remember the purpose of our lives: giving glory to God. The primary means of doing that is to give thanks in all circumstances, expressing our confidence in His goodness, in His plan, in His power. And when we do that, we join the angels in winning victories for Jesus in the war against the world, the flesh and the devil–joining Jesus in advancing the Kingdom God.
Picture from the internet: angel ready for battle with the sword of the Spirit