Remembering: Nurturing Our First Love for Jesus

Remembering: Nurturing Our First Love for Jesus

Nurturing our first love for Jesus: remembering what we were and what He’s made us now.

“The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.” Psalm 98:2

What have you saved us from, O Lord? You have delivered us from demonic deceit, from the devil’s dominion of duplicity, from his dirty and damaging control. It is deliverance from darkness, bringing us into the Kingdom of Light.

We were blind, without sight, without knowledge, without understanding; we lived in the night of sin and condemnation, which was





and enslaving.

As your Word says, “The way of the wicked is like deep darkness, they do not know what makes them stumble” (Pro. 4:19). And we certainly stumbled–continually falling in every area of our lives, especially in relationships.

When we allowed ourselves to think of the darkness within our souls, it was


revealing ,

empty hopelessness,

an uncertain future,

a depressing despair,

foundationless floundering

and a bottomless mire into which we were sinking ever more deeply.

But, You, Lord Jesus, burst into our darkness with the Light of your Love, pushing it back, reaching out your hand of healing right down into our souls. You washed the darkness from within, you banished it from without. You set us on the path of the righteous which is “like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever more brightly until the full light of day” (Pro. 4:18).

Your face now continually beams light into our lives, giving depth to our vision. You caused the obstacles of life to stand out clearly before us in this sinful, twisted world, allowing us to walk around them rather than falling over or into them.

No more continual stumbling, as long as we walk into your Light. Help us to do that all day, all the time, our lovely Lord!

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