Thank you so much, Lord, for the purpose you give us in life: which means revealing you to those around us. And how can we do that?
One way of revealing Yo to others is to share what we are learning as we read, study, memorize and meditate on Scripture. The insights and understandings He brings are far above human thinking and help us shift from a natural worldview to a biblical one.
For instance, in 1 Peter 1, where I am re-memorizing now, it says that trials come to us to test the genuineness of our faith. The question is, are we responding with the sacrifice of thanksgiving, trusting God, or do we complain, revealing the falseness of our faith? Every negative event is a test and a chance to reject our natural response, to trust and grow.
But there is a further reason for trials: if we respond with faith, then when Jesus is revealed at the end of time, we will be given praise, honor and glory by God Himself!
That’s a worldview shift–moving from the momentary, myopic, me-centered goal of being comfortable, to the wide, high and deep understanding of how this particular discomfort fits into God’s great scheme for ending history and ushering in an eternity where He will share His glory with those who have lived by faith here.
This is the call for us to fix our eyes on Jesus, who for the joy that was set before Him—the joy of redeeming all mankind, pleasing the Father, being glorified as the Savior, ending evil and ruling forever in righteousness–endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2).
Even in writing this, I am glorifying God, revealing to you, more of His powerful and pristine Character, helping you to worship Him more and better. May we be aware of the everyday opportunities to reveal God’s glory to those around us by praise, by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving, by noting and sharing God sightings, and by sharing what we are learning at the feet of the Holy Spirit.
May we live out the purpose of our existence today, glorifying God in our lives!