“He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel….” Psalm 103:7
You, Lord God, our Heavenly Father, are the God of revelation. You make known to your creatures what we cannot possibly learn from research, study or observation. You spoke to Abraham, you spoke to Jacob, you spoke to Moses and Aaron, revealing to them what was needed.
You revealed to them your acts, your way of thinking and judging, your way of loving and directing—and through these revelations, you showed your character. You spoke through your mighty deeds done for Israel in bringing them out of Egypt: the 10 plagues; the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night; rescuing Israel from Pharaoh by opening the Red Sea; providing manna, water, birds and protection in the desert—we stand in awe of these displays of your power and wisdom and majesty.
“The LORD is compassionate and gracious…” (Ps. 103:8a).
You are full of rich love, caring for your creatures with deep, overflowing, unending compassion. You are deeply concerned for each one and each situation. You watch, observe, protect, guide and reveal yourself to each, calling them all to drink of your grace.
You are the ever-giving, ever-sharing, ever-generous, ever-kind and ever-helping God. You provide air, sunshine, food, water, relationships, beauty, protection, guidance and wisdom. You generously pour out on us your goodness every day.
Every morning when we awake, you are there and while we sleep you watch over us. Your unending supply of all that is good never fails, you are graciousness itself and we exalt you for that.
Help us, Lord, to see and remember your goodness rather than complain, worry and fret. Help us to remember that you are moving history to its conclusion and taking us with you, so it’s ok!