You, Lord Jesus, have worked salvation for your enemies. Your amazing love is astounding, with your overflowing grace, your deep compassion and your tender concern for those who oppose and resist you
At the right moment, in a burst of blinding righteousness, the Father raised you from the dead, defeating all foes, opening the way for all to receive power and wisdom and grace, ushering into your Kingdom all who believe.
Your work of redemption was finished, the shelter from your coming wrath was complete and the invitation went out to all, for “all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God” (Ps. 98:3).
You invite us–we who are the opposite of you in every way–to come into your family, into your Kingdom, into your shelter, into your fortress, into your loving embrace where you become our Father, Savior, Brother and King.
You made us to “dock” with you, to fit into a perfect relationship with the Triune God, and you have stopped at nothing to make that possible again after the fall. We must, “…shout for joy before the LORD, the King” (Ps. 98:6b). Psalm 98:4,5 Help us to lıve worthy of you ın your Kıngshıp and Kıngdom.
Pıcture: The beauty of the Creator: Pink sky reflected on the ice.