

Praise be to You, Lord Jesus, that you reveal to us wisdom, understanding and knowledge so we may join you in what you are doing by offering the sacrifice of thanksgiving in each happening, no matter how painful or problematical it may be.

Praise you also that you have given us the armor to wear so that we may avoid spiritual harm in whatever you bring us through. You are faithful to deal with evil, to protect us, to give needed grace, to carry us along, to deliver us at the right time, to work out your purposes in our lives. Glory be to you.

You are worthy of worship, honor, praise and exaltation. I bow before you in amazed worship, and I rise up in wholehearted praise to live in joyful obedience to you throughout today.

Prayer: “Lord, help me to think as you do, to view difficulties with your eyes, as opportunities to join you in what you are doing, to honor you, to demonstrate your grace to those around me. Help me to take up your grace, to move into and through suffering and pain with endurance, to learn from it the lessons you have for me. May I honor you in trust demonstrated through praise. Amen.”