“When I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10b
Facing me is a situation where others, who are at odds with me, are going to decide some aspects of my future. In this I am weak–and that is good. Yes, good, but uncomfortable. Praise you, Lord, that being comfortable is not the measure of anything important, spiritual or significant.
Knowing your Word, trusting you, living in praise, obeying what we know to be true, these are what is important.
We need to train our faith to respond biblically to whatever comes. As Lilias Trotter, pioneer evangelist in Algeria in the 1800s, said, “Swinging out over the abyss without anything other than you, Lord, rejoicing in this need to trust in you and your power, praising for your goodness before any solution can be seen, this is trained faith.”
Praise you, Father that you are at work in ways I cannot see or foresee. I praise you for what you are doing and what you will do in this, for you are great, you are good —you are God.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who trusts in Him” (Ps. 34:8). I have certainly tasted and seen your goodness over and over again, Lord. You have protected me many times in near accidents; you have provided an inner stability that in my past has prevented emotional crashes (before becoming a believer), relational clashes and personal failure.
You have also guided me through a maze of difficulties in my life: the journey through depression, adjustments in marriage, transition to life in the Middle East, dark days of deprivation and difficulty, accidents and expulsion, team turmoil, arrests, trials and uncertainty.
You not only carried us through, but strengthened, deepened and matured us in all this while utilizing us in your Kingdom.
What a privilege it is to walk with you, to join you in the great plan you are carrying out to bring history to a conclusion and take us with you. May I continually join you in the journey.